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Curated by Fine Little Day

The Nudie Jeans ‘Curated By‘ series continues with a selection of gems from Fine Little Day.

What the FAQ — In what way is Nudie Jeans transparent?

Transparency has, and always will be a cornerstone for us as a brand. Hear Kevin explain what tools we use to be as transparent as possible.

Welcome to the Nudie Jeans Spotify channel

The concept is simple — we invite guests to curate a playlist, these are people that we like and admire, and it is launched exclusively by Nudie Jeans.

What the FAQ — Who makes and repairs our Re-use jeans?

When we started our Re-use program, it was a huge milestone for us. Then we wanted to be able to offer a Re-use selection online so that our most sustainable product would be on offer to the rest of the world and not only in Nudie Jeans Repair Shops.